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Language: English-Hindi

Instructors: Career Managers

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Course Curriculum

August 2023 Batch
Introduction to Digital Marketing-1 (134 pages)
Introduction to Digital Marketing-2 (129:00)
Social Media-1 (Instagram)
Introduction to Instragram
Introduction to Instagram and Insights
Marketing Stimuli - 1
Marketing Stimuli- 2
Marketing Stumli - 3
Marketing Stimuli- 4
Marketing Stimuli - 5
Marketing Stimuli- 6
Affiliate Marketing
Influencer Marketing
Google Ads - 1
Google Ads- 2
Meta Ads (Instagram & Facebook)
Meta Ads-2 (Facebook & Instagram) & Keywords
Google Ads - Final
Revision Lecture
Youtube Marketing & Doubt Solving
Email Marketing and Linkedin Outreach Marketing
Social Media Marketing (SMM)
SMM Session-I (128:00)
SMM Session II Part-1 (65:00)
SMM Session II Part-2 (72:00)
SMM Session III Part-1 (63:00)
SMM Session III Part-2 (52:00)
SMM Session III Part-1-2 (63:00)
SMM Live 1
SMM - Live 2
SMM - Live 3 - Facebook Ads
SMM - Live 4 - Tracking for Social Media Campaigns
SMM - Live 5 - Social Media for Affiliate Marketing
SMM - Live 6 - Difference between Affiliate and Web Businesses
SEM - LIVE 7 - Google Adwords
Live 8: Optimizing Google Ads and Enhancing Performance
Live 10: Digital Marketing - QnA Session
Live 11: Linkedin and Ads for Social Media
Live 12: Content and Copywriting Skills
Live 13: Content and Copy Writing for SEO Backlinks
Live 14 - Social Media and Affiliate Practical Test
Live 9 - Google Ads - Dynamic, Display and Merchant Ads
Live 19 - SMM Strategy for Brand
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
SEM Presentation (217 pages)
SEM Session I Part-1 (53:00)
SEM Session I Part-2 (26:00)
SEM Session II Part-1 (55:00)
SEM Session II Part-2 (61:00)
SEM Session III Part-1 (61:00)
SEM Session III Part-2 (53:00)
SEM Session IV P-1 (58:00)
SEM Session IV Part-2 (58:00)
SEM Session V Part-1 (73:00)
SEM Session V Part-2 (49:00)
Tracking Codes for Ads and Organic Promotion
Live 15 - Class - SEM - Google Shopping Ads
Serach Engine Optimisation (SEO)
SEO Foundation (243 pages)
SEO Detailed V (180 pages)
Session2_Search Engine Optimization (SEO)8 Apr (22:00)
SEO Session 5_9th May (116:00)
SEO_Session6_16th May 2020 (57:00)
SEO_Session7_23.05.2020 (74:00)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)_ Session 28 Apr 2020 (76:00)
20 SEO Tools (22 pages)
Live 16 - SEO and it's Fundamentals
Live 17 - SEO Offpage
Live 18 - Website SEO, Plugins and Blogging
Live 20 - SEO Theory
Live 21 - SEO Theory and Nomenclature
Live 22 - SEO Theory and Nomenclature - II
Live 23 - SEO Theory and Nomenclature - III
Live 24 - SEO Theory and Nomenclature - Part 4
Live 25 - SEO Theory - Contd.
Live 26 - SEO Tools
Web Analytics
Web Analytics Session I (116:00)
Web Analytics Session II (102:00)
Digital Growth Hack
Digital Marketing - Practical Test
Google Updates
Omkar - Viva
Nidhi - Viva
Rutuja viva
Batch Oct 2022
Lecture 1 Introduction to DM
Lecture 2- SMM (Facebook & Instagram)
Lecture 2
Lecture 3- SMM (Instagram & Linkedin)
Lecture 4- SMM (Linkedin) & Marketing Stimuli
Lecture 5- Marketing Stimuli (Contd)
Lecture 6- Basic Web Development (Wordpress)
Lecture 7- Introduction into Keywords
Lecture 8- Introduction to Google Ads
Lecture 9- SEM (Instagram & Facebook)
Lecture 10- SMM Analytics
Lecture 11- Introduction to SEO
Lecture 12- SEO (Contd)
Lecture 13- SEO (Contd)
Lecture 14- Influencer Marketing
Lecture 15- Affiliate Marketing
Lecture 16- SEO (Contd)
Lecture 16.1- SEO (Contd)
Lecture 17 - Consumer Behaviour
Lecture 18- Revision
Consumer Behavior 2
Revision Lecture (Offline)
Wordpress- 2
Introduction to Social Media
Google Ads - 2

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